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gentleman's sausage

  • 1 пенис

    1) General subject: (половой) cock, penis
    2) Biology: phallus
    3) Colloquial: wand, gentleman's sausage
    4) Australian slang: old teller
    5) Euphemism: Uncle Sam
    6) Jargon: peen (short for penis), choad, braun
    7) Invective: bicho, jang, middle leg, piccolo (при оральном половом акте), pinga, tool, wag (обычно маленького мальчика), wang, ying-yang, Johnson, arm, cock, jing-jang, joy knob, joy-stick, pecker, pencil, peter, pole, prick, pud, pudding (особенно используемый при мастурбации), rod, whang, yang
    8) Taboo: Anglican length, Athenaeum, Cyclops, Fagan, Irish root, Jezebel, John, John Thomas, Little Willie, Long Dong Silver, Mister Tom, Mr Jones, Mr. Happy, Mr. Sausage, Oscar, Perce, Percy, Randy Rupert, Rumple Foreskin, Rupert, Spam javelin, Spurt Reynolds (игра слов на spurt и имени актера Burt Reynolds), Wolver, Zab (из арабского), ace poker, almond, arbor vitae, baby-maker, bacon bazooka, bald-headed hermit, banana, bat, baton, bazooka, bean, bean-tosser, beard-jammer, beaver cleaver, bed flute (см. pink oboe; особ. как объект орального секса), bell-rope, best leg of three, big bamboo, big daddy, bingey, bit of hard (см. hard-on), bit of snug, blade, blow stick, blowtorch, blue veined steak, bog bamboo, bolt, bone phone, bowel trowel, boy, boymeat, bozak, brush, business, button worker (см. button), cannon, captain, chanticleer, cheesepipe (см. cheese), cheesy wheelbarrow, chopper, chum, clam ram, cock-opener, cocklet, copper stick, corey, corker, corn beef cudgel, cory, crab ladder, crack-haunter, cracksman, crank, cranny-hunter, cream-stick, crimson crowbar, cuckoo, cucumber, custard cannon (см. lamb cannon, mutton musket), dagger, dang, dangle, dangler, dearest member, derrick, dick, diddle, dildo, ding dong, dingle-dangle, dinosaur, dipstick, dirk, dolly, dong, donger, doob, doodle (обыч. у ребенка), doover, dork, driving post, drumstick, dummy, (от еврейского 80+90, означающего буквы pay и tzadik, являющиеся эвфемизмом слова putz q.v.) eighty-ninety, eleventh finger, enob, eye opener, fallos, fanny battering ram, fanny rat, ferret (см. exercise the ferret), fiddle-bow (см. fiddle), fishing-rod, flapjack, flapper, fleshy fugelhorn, flip-flap, flute, fool-maker, fornicating engine, fornicator, four-eleven-forty-four (4-11-44), (4-9-3-11, по номерам букв в алфавите) four-nine-three-eleven, fuck stick, fuckstick, gap-stopper, gardener, generating tool, gibbon gristle, giggle-stick, girl-catcher, girlometer, goo gun, goober, goose's neck, gooser, gravy-giver, grinding tool, gristle, guided muscle (см. meat seeking pissile), gully raker, gun, gut-stick, hair-divider, ham howitzer, hambone, hammer, hampton (см. Hampton Wick), handstaff, hang down, hanging johnny (особ. у импотента или мужчины, зараженного венерическим заболеванием), happy lamp, hermit, hickey, hicky, high pressure vein cane, hissing Sid, holy iron, holy poker, honker, hood, hoop stretcher, hootchee, horn, horse, hot dog, hot rod, ice cream machine, inch, incher, instrument, jack, jack in the box, jammy, jerking iron, jigger, jiggling bore, jimmy, jing-jang (см. jang), jock, joint, jojo, jones, junior (обычно мужчина называет так свой собственный), key, kidney-scraper, kirp (перевертыш от prick q.v.), knob, knock, knocker, labia lard, ladies' delight, ladies' lollipop, lamb cannon, lamp of life, lance, langer, langolee, large lad, leather-stretcher, leg, lemon, length (см. yardage), lingam (из санскрита), lipstick (по аналогии с тем, как помада появляется из тюбика), little Davy, little brother (см. little sister), little finger, little friend, live rabbit, live sausage (см. sausage), liver tickler (см. lung disturber), living flute, lizard, lollipop, long John (об. большого размера), love muscle, love sausage, love torpedo, lucky Pierre, lullaby, luncheon truncheon, lung-disturber (см. kidney-wiper), mac, mack, mad mick, maggot, magic wand (особ. эрегированный), main cable, man Thomas, man-root, manhood, marrowbone, matrimonial peacemaker, meat, meat flute, meat seeking pissile, meat whistle, member, mickey, middle finger, milkman, mole, mouse, mouth-muscle, mulligan, mutton dagger (см. meat), mutton musket (см. lamb cannon), needle, nightstick, nimrod, nippy, nob, noodle, old Adam, old blind Bob, old fella, old horney, old man, old root, one eyed zipper fish, one-eyed milkman, one-eyed trouser-snake, one-holed flute, organ, pax-wax, peacemaker, pecnoster, pee-pee, peeny, peewee, peg, pen, pendulum (см. dingle dangle), perch, pestle (см. mortar), pickle, piece, pike staff, pile-driver, pillock, pin, pink Darth Vader (по имени одного из героев "Звездных войн" в каске специфической формы), pink cigar (особ. как объект фелляции), pink oboe (см. blue veined trumpet), pintle, pipe, pirate of men's pants, piss-maker, pisser, pisslit, pistol, piston, pizzle, plonker, plunger, pocket rocket, pointer, poker, poo pipe pirate, pood, poontanger, pork prescription, pork sword, porridge gun, power, pricklet, pride and joy, private property, prong, pulse, pump, pump action mottgun, pump-handle, pup, purple pearler, putter, putz, quim-stake, quim-wedge, rammer, ranger, rat, raw meat, reamer, rector of the females, red cap, red-hot poker, rhythm stick, rising main, roger, rolling pin, roly-poly, rooster, root, rotoplooker (произносится ro-to-ploo-ka), salami, sausage, schlong, schmuck, screwdriver (см. screw), sexing piece, shaft, she, shit-disturber, shlong, shotgun, silent flute, skin boat, skin flute, skinflute (особ. как объект орального секса), sky-scraper, slug, snack (особ. как объект фелляции), snake, snorker, sperm worm, spindle, spout, staff, stalk, stem, stern-post, stick, sting, stormy dick, strap, strap-on, string, sucker, sugar-stick, swack, sweet meat, swipe, tadger, tail, tail-end, tail-pike, tallywag, tallywhacker, that thing, thing, thingumbob, third leg, tickler, timothy, tinkler, todger, tommy, tonge, tonk, toot meat, tosh, tossle, touch-trap, trouser snake, trouser trout, trumpet (см. blue veined trumpet, pink oboe), truncheon, tube, tummy banana, turkey neck, umbrella, unemployed, veiny bang stick, wab, weapon, wedge, wee-poh, whacker, whammer, whistle, wick, wiener, wigga-wagga, willie, willy, winkie, winkle, wire, wong, wriggling pole, yard, yosh, yutz, zipperfish, zubrick, zucchini, Baby spanner

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > пенис

  • 2 член

    1) General subject: Fellow (какого-л. общества, колледжа), arthro, associated person (биржи), (половой) cock, (половой) dick, doodle, limb, lith, member (в разн. знач.), member (биржи), part, term, (партии, профсоюза) adherer
    3) Colloquial: gentleman's sausage
    5) Grammar: article
    6) Mathematics: component (напр., последовательности), element, member
    7) Railway term: member (общества)
    10) Accounting: member (напр. комитета)
    11) Rude: (мужской) Dick
    12) Jargon: dongle (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=dongle; http://www.wordhord.com/humor/my-blackberry-is-not-working/)
    13) Information technology: mem., tenant
    14) Metrology: term (уравнения)
    15) Polymers: term (уравнения)
    16) Programming: member
    17) Invective: arm, banana, bicho, cock, dildo, prick
    18) Oceanography: associate
    20) Aviation medicine: member (экипажа)
    22) Christianity: member (церкви)

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > член

  • 3 гомосексуалист

    1) General subject: Sodomite, effeminate, faggot, fairy, fruitcake, homophile, homosexual, homosexualist, invert, nance, nancy, pansy, queer, sodomite, (особенно сл. часто) three-dollar bill, uranism, male-who-goes-to-bed-with-males, banana crammer
    2) Medicine: contrary sexual
    3) Colloquial: a male gay, camp, gay
    4) American: faggy
    5) British English: mincer (gay man)
    6) Law: bugger
    7) Australian slang: nancy boy, poo jabber, poofter
    8) Scornful: homo
    9) Abbreviation: sod (от sodomite)
    10) Jargon: bird, fag, faggart faggot, faggart fagot, flower, fluter, frit, gobbler, lightfooted, lily, mola, nola, pato, poof, quean, queen (особенно привлекательный для гомосексуалистов, играющих роль мужчины), raver, soft butt, swish, twink, weirdo, gaylord ("королева геев"), bale (Don't bother Britany - he's bale. Не беспокойся Британи-он гомик.), Ted (He's a bit Ted.), first (He's a right first.), doctor (He’s a bit of a doctor.), tin roof (I think he might be a tin roof.), Finlay (That boozer is Finlay ub.), behind with the rent (You're not behind with the rent?), sailor (В фильме Full Metal Jacket: Only faggots and sailors are called Lawrence! - "Только пидоров и гомосеков зовут Лоуренсами!"), as queer as a nine bob note, pouf, pooh pusher, bet for other side, bitch, capon, f-a-g, flit, flute, fly ball, freak, fruit, fruit-cake, fruity, girl, mintie (особенно мужеподобная, агрессивная лесбиянка), mother, pix, pogey, pogie, pogy, queered, three-letter man, willie
    11) Taboo: Dorian, Irish by birth but Greek by injection (см. Greek), Joey, K, KY cowboy (от названия крема KY Jelly, часто используемого для смазки при анальном сексе), Mary Ann, Miss Thing, Oscar (по имени писателя Оскара Уайльда), Peter Pansy, Q, angel (особ. играющий доминирующую роль), ass-fucker, babe, baby face, back door conquistador, bananas, battyman, bender, bertie, bird-tacker, blade, bona omi (см. naff omi, polone), booty bandit, botter, bottler (см. bottle), botty boy, brown pipe engineer, brown-hatter, brownie, brownie hound, brunser, buftie-boy, bum bandit, bum-boy, bumhole engineer, bunker, burglar, cannibal, charley, chocolate bandit (см. cadbury canal, hershey highway), chocolate chimney sweep, chocolate shark angler, chocolate speedway racer, chutney ferret, clone (обычно в костюме водителя грузовика, рабочего, ковбоя), cocoa sombrero (см. brown hat), confirmed bachelor, cum chum, dandy, degenerate, donut puncher, dung-puncher, effie, enema bandit, exhaust pipe engineer, eye doctor, eye opener, faggart, faggot (в Великобритании это слово обозначает "вязанка хвороста"), fagola, fagot (в США это слово обозначает "вязанка хвороста"), farley, fart knocker, fart-catcher, faygele, fillet, fish, flyball, four-letter man (от homo), freckle-puncher, friend of Dorothy (см. Dorothy's friends), fudge-packer, funny man, gentleman of the back door, gonef, good buddy, gut-fucker, half a man, handbag, haricot, he-haw (игра слов на he-whore q.v. и hee-haw - крик ишака, который имеет большие гениталии), hershey bar (см. cadbury canal; от названия компании, производящей популярные шоколадки), hitch hiker on the Hershey highway, homie, horse's hoof (см. iron hoof), inspector of manholes, iron, jacksie rabbit, jaisy, jam fag, jammer, jere, jolly (см. gay), joy boy, kakpipe cosmonaut, kiki, kinky, knight, lapper, lavender, lavender boy, left-footer, less-than-nothing (с точки зрения гетеросексуального мужчины), lickbox, like that, limp wrist, maama man, man's man, maricon (исп.), marmite miner, meat-hound, midnight cowboy, misfit, mo, molly, mouser, mud-packer, muddy funster, muzzler (особ. феллятор), neuter gender, nine-bob-note, nudger, omee-polone, one of those, painted Willie, pansy (особ. пассивный), pearl-diver, person of uncertain gender, pervert, pervy, pickle chuggler, pillow biter (от мнения о болезненности анального секса и необходимости кусать подушку, чтобы сдержать крик), pipe cleaner, pogue, ponce, poncey, poo packer, puff, pug, punce, pure silk, pussy Nellie, pussy-bumper, quack, quean (особ. пассивный), queen (особ. пассивный), queer one, quim (особ. пассивный), reamer, rear-admiral, ring bandit, ring snatcher, roger ramjet, rump ranger, salami smuggler, sausage jockey (a man who "rides" "sausages"), semen demon, sex boy, she-man, sheepherder, shirt lifter, shirtlifter, shit stabber, shit-hunter, shit-poke, skippy (особ. пассивный), snake, soft boy, stem-wheeer, stern-chaser, stern-wheeler, stir-shit, stoke-on-trent, sucker, sweet, sweet homo, tail gunner, tan-tracker, tea pot, thing, third sexer, three legged beaver (употр. водителями-дальнобойщиками), three-dollar bill, three-letter man (подразумевается fag q.v.), tommy, tonk, trapeze artist, truck driver, turd burglar, turd-walloper, tusk, twilight personality, undercover man, uphill gardener, usher of the back-door, vache (от фр. "корова"), vert, waffle, what?, wooftah, woofter, woolie woofter, woolly-woofter, works (pl), wuss (обыч. держащий свои наклонности в секрете), zippersniffer, arse-bandit, brownhatter, brown owl, beefer
    12) Phraseological unit: back gammon player, bat for the other team

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > гомосексуалист

  • 4 Д-221

    ЧЕГО ДОБРОГО coll Invar sent adv (parenth) usu. used in declarative sentences (with pfv fut, subjunctive, or могу, может etc + the infin of another verb) also used in questions containing не... ли the potential nature of the action, event etc expressed by the Russian idiom (or the Russian idiom in conjunction with мочь) is usu. conveyed in English through "might" or "may" fixed WO
    ( sth. is) entirely possible ( usu. used in refer, to the possibility that sth. disagreeable or undesirable may occur)
    for all one knows, s.o. sth. might (may)...
    who can tell (you never know), s.o. (sth.) might... s.o. sth. might easily (very well)... s.o. sth. might even... perhaps...(you never can tell) (in limited contexts) s.o. might take it into his head (to do sth.) you're (hefc etc) not by any chance (going to do sth., are you (is he etc))?
    (when the speaker emphasizes his strong negative reaction to the possibility in question) I'm afraid s.o. sth. might......И от мысли, что где-нибудь... он, чего доброго, может встретиться с тревожными, скорбными глазами этого господина, всё вокруг принималось жить по-ночному, как природа во время затмения (Набоков 1)....The thought that somewhere... for all he knew, he might meet the anxious, mournful eyes of this gentleman, caused everything around him to assume nocturnal habits of life, like nature during an eclipse (1a).
    «Я тебя, говорит (генерал), не оставлю... Чего доброго, я ещё в дядья тебе запишусь...» (Пастернак 1). "I won't leave you this way, he (the General) said....Who can tell, I might put myself down as your uncle..." (1a).
    ...Отказать (отказаться от вызова на дуэль) было невозможно ведь он меня, чего доброго, ударил бы, и тогда... Тогда пришлось бы задушить его, как котёнка» (Тургенев 2). "...It was impossible to refuse (the duel)
    why, he might easily have hit me, and then....Then I'd have had to strangle him like a kitten" (2e).
    Какой-то сволочной, под сибирского деланный, кот-бродяга вынырнул из-за водосточной трубы и, несмотря на вьюгу, учуял краковскую (колбасу). Пёс Шарик свету невзвидел при мысли, что богатый чудак, подбирающий раненых псов в подворотне, чего доброго, и этого вора прихватит с собой... (Булгаков 11). A mangy stray torn, pretending to be Siberian, dived out from behind a drainpipe, he had caught a whiff of the sausage despite the storm. |The dog) Sharik went blind with rage at the thought that the rich eccentric who picked up wounded mutts in gateways might take it into his head to bring along that thief as well (11a).
    (Кулыгин:) Если тринадцать за столом, то, значит, есть тут влюблённые. Уж не вы ли, Иван Романович, чего доброго... (Чехов 5). (К:) If there are thirteen at the table it means that someone here is in love. Its not you by any chance, Ivan Ro-manovich? (5a).
    Артемий Филиппович:)...Уж (городничий) и в генералы лезет. Чего доброго, может и будет генералом (Гоголь 4). (А.Е.)...He's (the Mayor is) bucking for general. I'm afraid that maybe he'll be a general at that (4a).
    Больше всего она (Ахматова) боялась, чтобы какие-нибудь авангардисты не оторвали их (её и Мандельштама) друг от друга, зачислив его посмертно в футуристы, в братья Хлебникову или, чего доброго, в Леф (Мандельштам 2). ( context transl) What she (Akhmatova) feared most of all was that some avant-gardists might try to dissociate them (her and Mandelstam) by making him posthumously into a Futurist, a fellow spirit of Khlebnikov, or even, perish the thought, a member of LEF (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Д-221

  • 5 чего доброго

    [Invar; sent adv (parenth; usu. used in declarative sentences (with pfv fut, subjunctive, or могу, может etc + the infin of another verb); also used in questions containing не... ли; the potential nature of the action, event etc expressed by the Russian idiom (or the Russian idiom in conjunction with мочь) is usu. conveyed in English through "might" or "may"; fixed WO]
    (sth. is) entirely possible (usu. used in refer, to the possibility that sth. disagreeable or undesirable may occur):
    - for all one knows, s.o. < sth.> might < may>...;
    - who can tell < you never know>, s.o. < sth.> might...;
    - s.o. < sth.> might easily (very well)...;
    - s.o. < sth.> might even...;
    - perhaps...(you never can tell);
    - [in limited contexts] s.o. might take it into his head (to do sth.);
    - you're (he's etc) not by any chance (going to do sth., are you <is he etc>)?;
    - [when the speaker emphasizes his strong negative reaction to the possibility in question] I'm afraid s.o. < sth.> might...
         ♦...И от мысли, что где-нибудь... он, чего доброго, может встретиться с тревожными, скороными глазами этого господина, всё вокруг принималось жить по-ночному, как природа во время затмения (Набоков 1)....The thought that somewhere... for all he knew, he might meet the anxious, mournful eyes of this gentleman, caused everything around him to assume nocturnal habits of life, like nature during an eclipse (1a).
         ♦ "Я тебя, говорит [ генерал], не оставлю... Чего доброго, я ещё в дядья тебе запишусь..." (Пастернак 1). "I won't leave you this way, he [the General] said....Who can tell, I might put myself down as your uncle..." (1a).
         ♦ "... Отказать [отказаться от вызова на дуэль] было невозможно; ведь он меня, чего доброго, ударил бы, и тогда... Тогда пришлось бы задушить его, как котёнка" (Тургенев 2). "...It was impossible to refuse [the duel]; why, he might easily have hit me, and then....Then I'd have had to strangle him like a kitten" (2e).
         ♦ Какой-то сволочной, под сибирского деланный, кот-бродяга вынырнул из-за водосточной трубы и, несмотря на вьюгу, учуял краковскую [колбасу]. Пёс Шарик свету невзвидел при мысли, что богатый чудак, подбирающий раненых псов в подворотне, чего доброго, и этого вора прихватит с собой... (Булгаков 11). A mangy stray tom, pretending to be Siberian, dived out from behind a drainpipe; he had caught a whiff of the sausage despite the storm. |The dog] Sharik went blind with rage at the thought that the rich eccentric who picked up wounded mutts in gateways might take it into his head to bring along that thief as well (I la).
         ♦ [Кулыгин:] Если тринадцать за столом, то, значит, есть тут влюблённые. Уж не вы ли, Иван Романович, чего доброго... (Чехов 5). [К:] If there are thirteen at the table it means that someone here is in love. Its not you by any chance, Ivan Romanovich? (5a).
         ♦ [Артемий Филиппович:]...Уж [городничий] и в генералы лезет. Чего доброго, может и будет генералом (Гоголь 4). [А.Е.]... Hes [the Mayor is] bucking for general. I'm afraid that maybe he'll be a general at that (4a).
         ♦ Больше всего она [Ахматова] боялась, чтобы какие-нибудь авангардисты не оторвали их [ её и Мандельштама] друг от друга, зачислив его посмертно в футуристы, в братья Хлебникову или, чего доброго, в Леф (Мандельштам 2). [context transl] What she [Akhmatova] feared most of all was that some avant-gardists might try to dissociate them [her and Mandelstam] by making him posthumously into a Futurist, a fellow spirit of Khlebnikov, or even, perish the thought, a member of LEF (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > чего доброго

См. также в других словарях:

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